A partial list of text and other media referred to in the blog and in the development of the work. This list will be amended and updated from time to time as the project develops. The list is grouped into loose categories depending on how the references relate to the themes as developed.
Waters of Time - Bill Launder, Basil Wright for Port of London Authority (documentary film, UK, 1951)
The Vital Link - Port of London Authority (documentary film, UK, 1965)
The Hungry Miles - Norma Disher, Keith Gow and Jock Levy for Waterside Workers' Federation Film Unit (documentary film, Australia, 1955)
We Was All One - Ken Ashton (documentary film, Thames Television, 1972)
Fluid City, Transforming Melbourne’s Urban Waterfront – Kim Dovey (University of New South Wales Press, 2005)
London Docklands Development Corporation publications
Making the New Melbourne - Steven Foley (ed) (The Age newspaper supplement, 26 March 2010)
Walking London's Waterways - Gilly Cameron-Cooper (New Holland, 2011)
The Reflecting Pool - Bill Viola (video, USA, 1977 - 79)
m-dot.report - Steven Ball (video, Australia, 1991)
Periscope 180° - Steven Ball (super 8 film, Australia, 1992)
Pools Between Land - Steven Ball (Australia, 1990) video
Harmonic Maheno (Harmonic Three Three) - Steven Ball (super 8 film, Australia, 1991)
Bill Viola, Unseen Images (Whitechapel Gallery, 1994)
Mutant Media - John Conomos (Artspace, 2007)
Video Art, A Guided Tour - Catherine Elwes (I.B.Taurus, 2005)
Species of Spaces - Georges Perec (Penguin Classics, 1997)
An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris - Georges Perec (Wakefield Press, 2010)
En Remontant la Rue Vilin - Robert Bober (France, 1992) documentary film
The Reflecting Pool - Jarek Kupsc (USA, 2007) feature film
Ground Control, Fear and happiness in the twenty-first century city - Anna Minton (Penguin Books, 2009)
Protecting the media from the police (Guardian, 7 January 2010)
The Coming Insurrection - The Invisible Committee (Semiotext(e), 2009)
Introduction to Civil War - Tiqqun (Semiotext(e), 2010)
Capitalist Realism - Mark Fisher (Zero Books, 2010)
State of Exception - Giorgio Agamben (Chicago, 2005)
Loose Space, Possibility and Diversity in Urban Life - Karen A. Franck and Quentin Stevens (eds) (Routledge, 2007)
World City - Doreen Massey (Polity Press, 2007)
For Space - Doreen Massey (Sage Publications, 2005)
The Practice of Everyday Life - Michel de Certeau (University of California Press, 1984)
Unfinished Ode to Mud - Francis Ponge (trans. Beverley Bie Brahic, CB Editions, 2008)
Writing Degree Zero - Roland Barthes (Jonathan Cape, 1967)